PiXELS Computers & More (a CreativeTek company) and Keep Alliance Beautiful are making recycling easy this spring. We’ll accept electronics for recycling free of charge this April and May. So just bring your e-waste to PiXELS during regular business hours, and we will take care of the rest.
As some of you may have heard, KAB is facing severe funding cuts this year. You can read more about it in this Panhandle Post Article. If you’d like to help them in their fundraising efforts, you can donate to their GoFundMe where they are trying to raise $100,000. Also, remember to like them on Facebook to stay up to date on their fundraising efforts and other news.
What is the cost?
Nothing. This is a free service. However, voluntary donations will be accepted for Keep Alliance Beautiful to help with their mission “to create a clean and safe place to live and work for future generations.”
Additionally, we will offer data destruction for your privacy and security so that no one down the recycling chain can recover files off your computers. There is a $19 fee for Hard Drive Destruction
Bring your e-waste to PiXELS Computers & More, right here in downtown Alliance, NE.
307 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, NE
During the entire month of April & May 2022, Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
Are there any limitations?
We only ask that you please call ahead if you have any items over 80lbs, like bulky old printers or TVs. We want to make sure our staff is ready to help you unload when you arrive.
So, let’s get to cleaning! And feel free to call us if you have any questions. (308) 761-7611